CABBE is partnering with CAPSS to facilitate the membership payment process. To join CABBE, please click on the Membership Page link and follow the prompts for signing-up and payment. Once you sign-up, you will receive an invoice from CAPSS to remit payment digitally or by check. You will then receive a Zoom link from CABBE to register for the membership meetings.
What is CABBE?
Bilingual Education Advocacy, Research, and Professional Development
The Connecticut Association of Biliteracy and Bicultural Education is an organization composed of educational leaders and community partners who strive to support and advocate for bilingual education and dual language programming. We promote culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogies that support the biliteracy and academic achievement of culturally and linguistically diverse students. In addition, we support the professional development of teachers, instructional coaches, administrators, and educational consultants to improve bilingual education.