CABBE is partnering with CAPSS to facilitate the membership payment process. To join CABBE, please click on the Membership Page link and follow the prompts for signing-up and payment. Once you sign-up, you will receive an invoice from CAPSS to remit payment digitally or by check. You will then receive a Zoom link from CABBE to register for the membership meetings.
Full Membership Meetings
Please sign-up to become a member and attend our VIRTUAL full membership meetings with guest speakers at each meeting.

November 21, 2024
Liz Howard & Shera Simpson
Navigating Tensions of Translanguaging & Separation of Language in Dual Language Programs
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm

February 13, 2024
Daisy Torres-Hill
Recruitment of Bilingual Teachers
4:30 - 6:00 pm
Daisy Torres-Hill will present Hartford Public School’s Paso a Paso and International Connections program that focuses on recruitment of bilingual educators. Please read her bio here.

April 24, 2026
Amy Finsmith
Launching an Effective Dual Language Program
4:30 - 6:00 pm
Amy Finsmith will present a brief overview on how to effectively launch your first dual-language program. Amy works with MABE's dual language coaches network to support bilingual education. Please read more about Amy in her bio here.