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Daisy Torres Hill
Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning, Hartford Public Schools, CALAS Past-President, Published Author, Adjunct, E.d.D UCONN student, 2022 UCONN Holmes Scholar
Daisy Torres-Hill is currently the Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning for Hartford Public Schools. In this role, she oversees PK-12 curriculum, instruction and assessment in one of the largest districts in CT. Under the leadership of Mrs. Torres-Hill and her team, over 600 students in Hartford have been awarded the Seal of Biliteracy. She has led efforts in the recruitment and retention of 18 teachers from Puerto Rico as part of an innovative Paso a Paso program and 4 international teachers under a teacher exchange program to diversify talent. She is a Bilingual (English & Spanish) educator with 23 years of urban school experience at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.
In December 2019, Mrs. Torres-Hill published her first bilingual (Spanish & English) children's book with 1010 publishing entitled I'll See You On The Bridge, a heartfelt story about a young boy, the beautiful relationship with his dog, and pet loss.
Mrs. Torres-Hill was awarded the Outstanding Educator Leadership Award with the Connecticut Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents (CALAS) in 2018 and was the 2022 Curriculum Associates/ALAS $10,000 scholarship recipient. She is currently pursuing her Doctorate of Education at the University of Connecticut with a focus on the lived experiences of Latina Superintendents in northeast through testimonios