CABBE is partnering with CAPSS to facilitate the membership payment process. To join CABBE, please click on the Membership Page link and follow the prompts for signing-up and payment. Once you sign-up, you will receive an invoice from CAPSS to remit payment digitally or by check. You will then receive a Zoom link from CABBE to register for the membership meetings.
CABBE’s mission is to advocate for educational equity and excellence for bilingual/multilingual students in a global society.
The Connecticut Association of Biliteracy and Bicultural Education is a professional organization devoted to representing bilingual/multilingual students and educators that serve them. CABBE supports sustaining and honoring culture through biliteracy.
CABBE places high value on native language, respects cultural and linguistic diversity, and develops intercultural awareness. As an organization, we demonstrate that we respect and can effectively communicate with people from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds and build our learners in a global society. In Connecticut, we advocate for asset-based programming that leads to career and college readiness and sustains culturally and linguistically diverse populations.
As tireless advocates who work to influence and help create policies, programs, research, pedagogy and professional development, we know that we are investing in our children’s education, our nation’s future leaders, and our world’s well-being.